It was a lot of fun sliding, but not as much excitement as JJ's friend Jason gave us. Jason is a guy that JJ works with and he decided to come up for the day not to fish, but just to hang and enjoy a Saturday on the ice with his dog Sugar. Little did he know that his dog would decide to jump into a hole in the ice where the river meets the lake! Unfortunately for Sugar, she could not make it back onto the ice by herself and was starting to get weak, so Jason crawled out on his belly and retrieved Sugar. Everything went well until he turned to walk back and he ended up going straight through! Luckily we got him out and everything was fine. He even stuck around the rest of the day soaking wet. Now that's determination not to ruin a good day on the lake. This is a picture of Sugar soon after she fell in. She looks really concerned that she just about lost her life doesn't she? Well the trip only got better from there, at about 5:00 the fish suddenly decided to turn on! We all caught fish after fish. They were all dinky rainbows but after all day with no bites we took what we could. We stayed into dark because the fish wouldn't stop biting and we couldn't pull ourselves away with the fast action. The picture below shows how small they were with Corey letting one go back down to grow and be caught another day! What a great day on the ice! And an adventurous one too!