Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pineview - Where's the photos

Fishing Time: 6:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Weather: sunny, calm, T-70's
Moon Phase: 93% Moon
Location:  Pineview Reservoir
Water Temp:  64 degrees
Best Bait:  crappie colored spinnerbait
Who Went: Bobber John, Ty, Dunc

I was staying with Cari's family in a house they rented near Pineview Reservoir over Memorial Day weekend.  I told Bobber John if he wanted to bring the boat up early one morning I would drive down to the ramp and meet him.  So he did, and brought his buddy Ty with him.

We were fishing by 6:30 and began casting all sorts of tiger musky type baits and lures in hopes of landing one of the toothy critters.  We tried fishing multiple areas of sunken brush and didn't see one or get a follow. 

We moved to the narrows and my spinnerbait found a lot of action for smallmouth bass along the rocky shorelines.  Ty joined me on the spinnerbait bait and put a bunch in the boat himself.  No tiger muskies were landed, but I must have caught close to 15 smallmouth bass before jumping off the boat at 10:00 AM.  It made for a great morning, and the boat side service at the lake was awesome haha.  Jump in and jump off.

I have been in a horrible rut of not taking photos.  It's gotta stop and its my new goal for the rest of the year.  No one likes a story with no photos!  Especially with such a gorgeous morning on Pineview and we caught some awesome smallmouth.  Ugh.  Gotta do better!

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