Sunday, June 6, 2021

Hunting Tigers at Newton

Fishing Time: 8:00 AM to 1 PM

Weather:  Mostly sunny, breezy, T- 90s

Location:  Newton Reservoir

Moon Phase:  11% Moon

Best Baits:  Spinnerbait and Texas rigged senko

Who Went:  Bobber John, Chad Fuller, Dunc

Rumor has it that Newton Reservoir is back with some healthy Tiger Musky.  I figured we would go up and give it a shot.  The weather was good with only a slight breeze.  The water was pretty stained and from what I was told that was new from a week ago.  Not sure how that affected our fishing, but it may have been a factor.

Chad started with a spinnerbait, I used a swimbait, and John was fishing for panfish with a marabou jig under a bobber.  Chad was the first to score a chunky little largemouth bass.  

After that John got into some decent sized bluegills.  I continued to throw the swimbait hoping for a Tiger, but never got a sniff.  Chad had one follow his spinnerbait, but wouldn’t commit. 

I finally gave in and switched to bass fishing.  On my first cast with a Texas rigged watermelon senko I landed a nice female full of eggs that was ready to spawn.  

I coaxed one more largemouth with a senko off the dam rip rap, but that was it for the day for me. Chad switched to the slip bobber and added a couple more bluegill.

By 1 pm the heat became to much and we loaded the boat and headed home.  No Tigers were caught, but we had a good time and it felt good to have the boat on the water again.  It’s been awhile.

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