Friday, July 29, 2011

Devin's First Fishing Trip with Dad

Fishing Time: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Weather: Calm, clear, 90's
Moon Phase: 2% Moon
Location: Utah Lake
Bait: Big Kastmaster (snagging carp)
Who Went: Devin, Yah-Yah, Me

Today was my Friday off and Cari gave me a hall pass to head to the lake, so of course I took her up on the offer. I wasn’t sure where to go or who to invite, but decided that my son Devin needed to get out on the water at least once this year. He’s still a little young to get the concept of fishing, but he loves anything and everything outdoors and especially loves his dad’s boat. I decided to keep it simple and take him somewhere close. American Fork Boat Harbor at Utah Lake is about as close as it gets and it ended up being a great choice as we were the only ones at the boat ramp at 8:00 a.m. Devin was really excited to get on the boat and absolutely loved the boat ride over to the bubble up near Geneva.I thought we could anchor up and throw out a couple lines for catfish keeping it very simple. I found out that nothing is simple with a 2 year old that wants his daddy to give him 100% of his attention all the time.Luckily Yah-Yah (my mom) joined us to help me out or it probably would have been a total disaster. She also took all these pictures to help us remember Devins first official fishing trip. So, after an hour of giving my full attention to Devin and only squeezing in a second here and there to rig rods, I finally had two ready for catfishing. I casted both rods out and thought okay now it’s time to relax, yeah right.Now Devin wanted to reel in the poles.He also took a liking to dad’s new rod and reel that cost him about $450. He started leaning over the boat and dipping the pole in the water and we all know the outcome of this fun game. I took the rod from him and you would have thought the world had ended.I realized that the only way Devin was going to see a fish was to snag a carp. They were all over the surface and the catfishing was obviously not going very smooth. I rigged up a big kastmaster and 5 minutes later I had a big ugly carp in the boat for Devin to look at. He thought it was pretty neat, but he wouldn’t touch it to save his life! Can’t say I blame him.After about an hour and a half on dad’s boat, Devin’s busy little mind was feeling trapped by the confinement of the boat, so we headed to shore and loaded it back on the trailer. Devin was my big helper as I loaded the boat and he supervised me the whole time.We spent the next 3 hours playing along the shores of Utah Lake and had a picnic at the campgrounds.Devin had an absolute blast playing in the American Fork River and throwing rocks into Utah Lake.While I was watching Devin play along the shoreline, I noticed these big black pods of minnow’s right next to shore. On closer inspection I noticed they had little whiskers and were indeed tiny little bullhead catfish. I couldn’t believe how dark black they were.I tried to catch one, but they would swim away when I approached them. This is the best photo I could get.After lunch and rock throwing Devin was worn out, so we called it a day. His eyes were closed before we could leave the marina. I can’t wait until my other two fisher buddies (kids) are old enough to come to the lake with dad!

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