Monday, August 12, 2024

Missed Bites and Big Storms in Central Utah

Fishing Time: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

Weather:  Cloudy, some rain and wind, cooler temps at approximately 80 degrees

Moon Phase: 25% Moon

Location:  DMAD Reservoir, Sevier River, and Gunnison Bend Reservoir

Best Bait: Green and orange curly tail grub, chartreuse & white spinner bait

Who Went: Dunc

I did a little exploring to an area I’ve never fished before near Delta, UT.  I started at DMAD reservoir, then fished the Sevier River below DMAD, and then Gunnison Bend Reservoir.  I arrived at DMAD at 8:00 am.  It was refreshing not seeing another soul at the lake or on the river below.  I started fishing the river below DMAD using a curly tail grub on an 1/8 oz jig head and immediately started getting bites. Problem was I couldn't seem to hook up.  I even had a couple of fish bite right at shore as I watched them, but still couldn’t hook up. 

After an hour of bites with no hookups I gave up frustrated and walked up to the reservoir.  I changed to a spinnerbait to target bass and northern pike and on my second cast I had a northern swipe at my bait right next to shore.  Then it happened again.  I started doing the figure 8 near shore on my retrieves and had two more bites, but no hook ups!  By now my frustration was through the roof and I decided to move on to Gunnison Bend Reservoir. 

Not knowing the area or lake I drove to the main boat ramp, which happened to be near a canal coming out of the lake.  It looked fishy, so I tossed a curly tail grub near a pump house and again got a couple bites but didn’t hook up.  Thinking this was probably crappie that were biting, I went back to the drawing board and setup a slip bobber with a marabou jig. I didn’t have any worms to tip the jig so I tried to find a bug or grasshopper, but they are only around when your not looking for them.  Needless to say I never got another bite.  I tried one more area on the lake hoping for a bass to change the feeling of the trip, but it wasn’t meant to be.

On my way back towards home I stopped again on the river below DMAD Reservoir and continued throwing my curly tail grub.  Finally I was able to hook up with a little wiper.  I was excited to finally catch a fish and as I was releasing it I heard a big boom of thunder and lightning hit very close to me.  It then started raining hard.  Today was not my day too win.  It was still a successful fun trip fishing a lot of new water, but I think I missed enough bites today to last a lifetime.

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